Conflicts of Interest – Financial Planning – Recommending Products with Varying Commissions


This is a sample disclosure when an investment adviser representative makes a recommendation to purchase a commission-based product during the financial planning process, which is a conflict of interest. This sample disclosure includes a place to document the commission ranges for products types and the approximate commission for the actual recommendation and why the investment adviser representative recommended such product as in the client’s best interest.



This is a sample disclosure when an investment adviser representative makes a recommendation to purchase a commission-based product during the financial planning process, which is a conflict of interest. This sample disclosure includes a place to document the commission ranges for products types and the approximate commission for the actual recommendation and why the investment adviser representative recommended such product as in the client’s best interest.

This sample form does not mean that RIA Compliance Consultants, Inc. (“RCC”) is in any way recommending that the investment adviser firm allow the investment adviser representative to engage in such activity and RCC is offering no safe harbor related to such conflict of interest.

This sample form should be considered as a starting point; the investment adviser firm will need to customize this sample form to its business model and policies and procedures.  Please see our disclosure about the limitations of sample form at

This sample document  is delivered via the purchaser’s online subscription account with RIA Compliance Consultants.  If the purchaser does not have an online subscription account, after the purchase, the purchaser will receive a follow-up email directing the purchaser to establish online subscription account. This step will need to completed before our systems can deliver the sample document.  For an instructional video, please visit

Included with Value, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.  Initially posted in July 2018.